How to Make a Bootlegger Turn
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
A bootlegger turn is a stunt, often seen in movies, done by a car. A car comes hurtling towards a roadblock, then swerves on the spot in a 180 degree turn and starts going back the other way. If you have ever wanted to do that, this will show you how to do that. Make sure you read the warnings so that you don't crash your car. This is not dangerous as long as you do it correctly and in an open space.
- Drive along in your open space until you reach about 50 mph.
- Yank on the handbrake and turn the car whichever way you prefer. The handbrake should cause the brakes to lock.
- After the brakes have locked, release the handbrake. Essentially you should be just pushing down the releasing the handbrake straight away. Keep the wheel turned in the direction you are going.
- When your car is pointing in the direction you want to go, straighten out the wheel and push on the accelerator. If you are in the direction you want, your car hasn't flipped over and you haven't broken anything then you will be going in the opposite direction you were going in before.
- There are two main rules which you must follow if you want to do this successfully.
- Low wheel base. If you try to do this in a tall vehicle (like a van), you stand a good chance of the vehicle falling over. The general rule is, if it can be pushed over without lifting underneath then it isn't good for a bootlegger.
- 50mph. Not any more, and preferably not much less. If you go faster, you will be doing an uncontrolled spin and when you stop you could be pointing in any direction. If you do less than that, your car will skid to a stop before you finish your spin.
- Low wheel base. If you try to do this in a tall vehicle (like a van), you stand a good chance of the vehicle falling over. The general rule is, if it can be pushed over without lifting underneath then it isn't good for a bootlegger.
- Don't do it in a small area or a narrow street, because you could crash into a wall. Best place to do this is out in the country in a wide open space with lots of room and a good run-up.
- Low wheel base!
- 50 mph!
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